Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sweet Impressions - Winnipeg Cookies & Cupcakes

I was debating whether to eat these cookies from Sweet Impressions or just keep them for decoration. I decided to take a picture of the cookies, make a cup of coffee, settle into my comfy chair and eat a cookie. I've never gone through so much preparation to eat a cookie before, but man, they are sooo good! The cookies were handed out at the Pulp & Circumstance & Off the Page Photography grand opening this evening.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh....those look so yummy! Definitely, you need to turn the act of eating them into a ceremony! :)

Anonymous said...

We're glad you could make it to our Grand Opening! I'm also glad that I remembered to serve the tea that I tonight. You should have asked me for another cookie... there was a great big plate of them sitting right on my desk.

Anonymous said...

It seems I should get some sleep... I missed a word there (tea that I MADE tonight). I'll make sure to save you a cookie for our next meeting!

Anonymous said...

I snagged two of them to, lol. I had to share with my kids of course, but they were amazing! They almost taste as good as they look, if that's possible!