Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wedding Show Booth - Gold, Jadeite & Peachy Pink!

We had a fabulous time meeting brides, grooms, wedding parties and families at the Wonderful Wedding Show!  Alvina of Alvina Grace Photography was very kind to come and take these wonderful pictures for us, check it out:

Sweet Impressions baked up these gorgeous and delicious desserts:

Purple Peony designed the floral arrangements.  Aren't they beautiful?

This was our seating chart idea, with all stationery by Cards by Cristina:

And delicious, custom-made chocolates a favours Chocolatier Constance Popp:

The beautiful linens were from Dream Day Decorators, and chivari chairs from Accessible Elegance.

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to our booth!  We are SO pleased with the way it turned out and our experience at the show!


Yoko Chapman said...

Your booth was one of my favourites at the show Jess. Nice job as always.

Jess Ehlers said...

Thanks very much Yoko!