Friday, February 22, 2013

Thanks Ayoko Magazine!

I've been very fortunate to meet many kind and supportive business owners in my (almost) 5 years of running With a Flourish, but Yoko Chapman is definitely the most influential.  I met Yoko very soon after launching, and after stalking the progress of the Eco-Luxe group she created (a small group of eco-friendly wedding businesses).

Yoko has been so helpful in giving me advice and suggestions over the years, and for the past couple years has been running Ayoko Design, focusing on marketing and branding for businesses. She's one of those people who can think of ten great ideas on the spot and knows SO many business owners and people to connect with...she is truly brilliant at what she does and I'm really grateful and lucky to know her and have really valued her ideas over the years!

In January, Yoko published the second edition of Ayoko Magazine, and I was so excited to have some pictures included! The article we are in is "Help Your Products Shine" and the photos are from the photoshoot we did with the wonderful Erin Alexander Photography.  Yoko launched this edition of the magazine with a fantastic party at Blue Moon on Pacific, and it was such a fun night with great entertainment, food, and people!

I know that a huge chunk of my blog readers are business owners, and if you are looking for help with branding and marketing, social media, etc. I strongly recommend that you give Yoko a call!

1 comment:

Yoko Chapman said...

Thanks Jess! These were such great photos, we had to use them. You and Erin did an excellent job.